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AHRC Hustings: Early-stage Proposals

A hustings event for AHRC grants in early stages of development.

This event is an opportunity for researchers with early-stage grant proposals to present their project to an audience of academics and professional services staff. The audience will then provide constructive feedback in the hope of increasing the chances of a successful application. This is a great opportunity for any academic, particularly ECRs, to gain support and advice from senior colleagues. A focus will be on the UKRI's new Catalyst and Curiosity Award schemes, though proposals for any AHRC grant will be considered for presentation.

Event details

Audience Members:

Anyone is welcome and encouraged to attend to hear what research ideas are happening in the HASS community and help to provide feedback/make collaborations. We encourage those outside of HASS to attend, as you will be able to offer a fresh perspective which presenters will be keen to hear, and research projects may be cross-faculty/interdisciplinary.

Please register your interest in attending as an audience member here.


The session will be a supportive environment where candidates are asked to give a short (5-10min) presentation on their proposed research idea. A panel of experienced academics will then have 10mins to ask questions and to give feedback on the idea.


Please note: we are now at capacity for presenters.

To register as an audience member, please complete this short form.

Please note, this event will be hyrbid via Teams.

A sandwich lunch will be provided.


Digital Humanities Seminar Room 1